Spring Recipes

Once on the shore we drink and eat no more?
7 January 2021
Summer Recipes
23 June 2021

Dear friends,

                   soon we will leave another winter behind us and we will be ready to welcome a new spring season with its long days, hopefully mostly sunny, and with the first warmths that will favor the slow awakening of nature.

As I have mentioned earlier, before being a producer, I am a consumer of wine and the designated place for the consumption of this fantastic beverage is during a meal. This is also one of the reasons why I produce so many different wines as a lover of food and particularly curious to try new dishes and their combinations with the nectar of Bacchus.

And it is precisely the theme of pairing wine and food that will caracterize this series of short scripts  and videos of the recipes associated with the various wines of Villa Calcinaia, which will be  the leitmotiv for the whole of 2021.

I was able to set up  this small project thanks to help of my talented niece Flavia Borawska, whose biography can be consulted by clicking on this link: https://terroirtalk.org/flavia-borawska,

who prepared six different dishes  this summer, while she was staying at the estate, to pair with six wines from Villa Calcinaia.

The preparation of these recipes was filmed and then edited by my nephew in law Piotr Wojcicki and I would like to take this opportunity to send a warm thank you to both of them for their precious and fundamental contribution for this small food and wine project.

The first recipe that we would like to  present is the Torta salata ripiena di porri e gorgonzola and the wine chosen for the pairing is the Villa Calcinaia Casarsa IGT. An excellent spring dish that is based on an appropriate combination, the one between the delicacy of leeks and the flavor of gorgonzola and which thanks to the latter ingredient manages to support the intensity and persistence of taste of a pure Merlot such as the Villa Calcinaia Casarsa.

The second recipe for this spring quarter is the Pollo all’arancia paired with Villa Calcinaia Mauvais Chapon. It is a simple but tasty main course and above all a refined combination. The scent and flavor of orange enriches the chicken meat making it delicious and juicy.

And it is precisely this juiciness that favors the pairing with the acid freshness and savoury flavour typical of Sangiovese in the sparkling version méthode classique as in the case of the Villa Calcinaia Mauvais Chapon.

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